Why being the mom of your friend group isn’t a bad thing

  1. You’re the one everyone goes to when sh*t hits the fan 
    Your best friend broke up with her boyfriend? A tub of ice-cream and a night of telling her she didn’t deserve him. Your friend is lost in the middle of the city? Google Maps and a long phone call directing her until she’s home.
  2. You always have food
    Be it snacks, or a full 3 course meal. You pride yourself in loving to feed people and making sure they’re taken care of.
  3. You’re the group doctor
    Need a pill for explosive diarrhea after that Chicken Cottage? Or a pill to survive your morning lectures whilst you’re *probably* still drunk from the night before? I got you girl.
  4. You care for those who are less sober than you 
    The mother of the group will make sure everyone is safely put into an uber, got some food before they head home and have a water of bottle (and maybe a bin for the more ~wild~ girls ) next to their bed for the morning after.
  5. You keep it very real 
    Everyone knows that mothers keep it real, especially friend group ones. If he’s a fuck boy or a gigantic dick, the mom will tell you because she knows you need to hear it.
  6. You clean up behind them 
    Everyone has that one friend that cleans up someones puke after the night out, or clean up some things in the house when their friends have had a 10 hour shift because they know how tired you are.
  7. You’re the planner of the group
    Your brain is wired to fit in all of the insane events and organise them down to a tee. You remember everything important that needs to be noted down. And send reminder texts when necessary.
  8.  You’re the queen of motivation 
    Your friend wants to start a new workout regimen? You’re there with a yoga mat and the enthusiasm of a personal trainer. They need a new idea for work? You’re already there with colour co-ordinated file full of ideas and a jug of coffee.
  9. You protect your friends when they’re in troubleCreep men hitting on your girls? Hold onto your friend and tell him to f*ck off. You don’t fear men, they fear you. Even if that means pretending to be their lesbian lover.

  10. You’re very under-rated
    But you wouldn’t have it any other way because you do better when all the attention is on someone else.  You thrive when people around you are their best selves.



All hail the mamas of the friend group! We’d be lost without you

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